2023-2024 Officer Nominations
The time has come for officer nominations. You may nominate yourself and you may nominate others. If you are nominating another person please be aware that they must accept the nomination. All nominations must be seconded at the next meeting on 4/11/23 before the nominee will be placed on a ballot.
The nomination period is from now through 3/31/2023. No late nominations will be accepted.
Membership eligibility is defined in our club bylaws but, in general, is limited to 1 parent/guardian of a Wayne Eagles cheerleader who is currently in 6th grade on through 1 year after graduation.
A ballot will be created after the general meeting on 4/11/23. Voting will take place at the regularly scheduled meeting on 5/9/2023 in the 2nd floor conference room of Wayne Elementary. Any member in good standing or anyone officially on the ballot may vote. Per our club bylaws, you must cast your ballot in person at the 5/9/23 meeting and no absentee ballots will be allowed. Newly elected officers will take over at the conclusion of the meeting on 5/9/2023.
All officers are up for reelection every year. The following is a list of positions with a brief description. Detailed descriptions can be found in Article VI, Section 2 of the club bylaws
President - Executive Member - Serves as chairperson of the board and official representative of the organization.
Vice President - Executive Member - Serves in the presidential capacity should the president not be available.
Secretary - Executive Member - Responsible for note taking at meetings, publishing minutes, and contact list maintenance.
Treasurer - Executive Member - Responsible for club finances. Paying invoices, collecting money, and maintaining a transaction ledger.
Spirit Director - Coordinate team bonding events with coaches. Coordinate spirit-related items. Coordinate development of a homecoming float.
Fundraising Coordinator - Responsible for coordinating fundraising activities
Advisor to Position - These people have an interest in serving in an Executive Member position in the following year (2024-2025)